Year 12 College Ball

Over 600 students, partners and staff attended the 2016 ‘Casino Royale’ themed College Ball held on Saturday, 11 June at HBF Stadium which was the largest in the College’s history. The night was a huge success and the College would like to thank all students and their partners for the maturity shown throughout the night. Thanks must also go to Year 12 Leader, Mr Mark James the Student Councillors for all their work in organising the event.
Congratulations to Taisha McCombish and Liam Crighton for for being crowned as the ‘Belle and Beau’ of the Ball for 2016.
Students can access the professional photos from Bliss Photography. Follow the instructions below to order. The due date for orders is Friday, 1st July.
1. Go to
2. Go to Schools Tab
3. Go to Schools 2016
4. Register to create an account
5. Use Access Code: BWT6438 to take you to the photographs
6. Place your order on-line. If you do not wish to place your order online orders forms are available at the school for postal orders