RU OK Day 2022

What a fantastic 2022 R U OK Day!!!
The weather was kind to us which meant we could hold the event on the oval. We were entertained by a medieval battle re-enactment by the Knights of the Free Company and a visit from Farmtastic cuddly animal farm. We had yummy treats from Coco’s Soft Serve Ice Cream and Heavenly Grounded Coffee which both had long lines all afternoon, and we also enjoyed a sausage sizzle kindly cooked by the T&E Department. Plenty of laughs were had at the dunk tank with numerous staff members and students succumbing to the cold water! Students practiced their footy skills on the inflatable footy target and some great tunes were played by our resident DJ! Students were also kept amused inside the Game Vault.
Staff wore yellow R U OK shirts and donned R U OK badges while students were encouraged to wear something yellow to show their support of the day.
Proceeds from the free dress day and sausage sizzle will be used by the Cert II Community Services students to purchase items for care packages they are making for the Patricia Giles Centre.
Today’s event is another way the College encourages students to be mentally healthy by being active, having a sense of belonging, and having a purpose in life which all contributes to good mental health.
‘R U OK Day’ is an Australian non-profit suicide prevention organisation, founded in 2009 which advocates for people to have conversations with others to make sure they are doing OK. Have you asked someone today ‘R U OK’?
A big thank you to the Student Services Team for putting the event together and all students and staff for ensuring a positive and fun afternoon for all.