Mentor Program

The Mentor Program at Mindarie Senior College

Mindarie Senior College students transition to the College for Years 11 and 12. Most will be leaving schools or programs where they have felt established for several years. They face two years full of opportunities, challenges, and decision-making regarding their futures.

Each teacher at the College is responsible for mentoring a group of students through their Year 11 and 12 journey. Every Tuesday and Thursday, the Mentor group meets together for 30 minutes. Mentors will access attendance, pastoral care and behavioural records for each student, speaking as necessary to each. Early intervention is always important and Mentors have access to a Year Leader, the Student Services team and Senior Administration for support. It is the Mentor’s role to monitor each student’s overall progress, advocate and seek support for the student.

Prior to a student’s arrival at the College, course selection will have taken place in partnership with a parent or guardian. At this time, fundamental College values and rules will have been explained. A “Life So Far’ of the student’s and family’s ‘biography’ will have been requested and important details put on confidential files for staff to access. This allows planning to best-fit the Mentor and to allow provision of any specific educational, social and medical needs. At the start of every year the Mentor will make contact with home and Year 11 parents will have an opportunity to “Meet the Mentor” on an evening early in Term 1.

Our Mentoring system provides the vital sense of connection, familiarity and continuity from the outset of every student’s time with us. The Mentor becomes the person who is a ‘first port of call’ for initial queries and concerns, provides the link with home as well as promotes and monitors well-being and academic progress. Together, the students and Mentor will explore important, non-curriculum topics focusing on our Young Adult Ethos, evident in each student Pursuing of Personal ExcellenceBuilding Positive Relationships and Demonstrating Social Responsibility.