Diversity Expo

On Tuesday, 19th March, the College held its first Diversity Expo. This was a small event being its first year, although the College intends for it to expand each year.
The College mission is to foster a culture of respect, diversity and inclusivity here at the College and this expo is one of the ways we are working to achieve this mission.
We had two amazing performances throughout the expo. The first was by ‘Taiko On who played Japanese drums in the Atrium with stylised movements, powerful rhythms, and a synchronised ensemble percussion to showcase their art. They also had some students involved by learning the techniques and drumming along with them.
The other performance was in the Performing Arts Space from the Wadumbah Dance Group who showcased the Bibullmun culture from the South West entertaining the students through music, dance and storytelling. The group have performed all over the world entertaining and sharing their ancient culture.
In Mentor, students drew their heritage flag and completed a survey which will be collated and transferred into the different world flags which will be placed on the ‘Who Are We Mindarie’ board.
Pantry donations were also collected for Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Detainees (CARAD).
The College would like to thank the Diversity Working Party for the organisation of the day.