Economics ATAR

Economics ATAR
Course Code - ATECO
University Pathway
Estimated Cost: $50.00
Course Outline
Unit 3
Explores the linkages between economies and the concepts of globalisation, trade liberalisation and protection in relation to the Australian economy. Students examine Australia’s trade, the recording of international transactions and the impact of these transactions on the Australian economy. Students examine the effects of changes in Australia’s economic transactions with the rest of the world using recent (the last ten years) and contemporary (the last three years) economic data, together with economic models.
Unit 4
Explores how economic policies and actions, such as fiscal policy, monetary policy and microeconomic policy operate in the pursuit of the Australian Government’s economic objectives. Students examine the effects of the operation of policies in Australia using economic models along with recent (the last ten years) and contemporary (the last three years) economic data. Students apply the language, theories and tools of economics to develop a critical perspective on the role of these policies in the current Australian Government policy mix.
Skills Outline
Economics develops the knowledge, reasoning and interpretation skills that form an important component of understanding individual, business and government behaviour at the local, national and global levels.
Minimum Entrance Requirements
Succesful completion of Year 11 Economics