CUA20620 – Certificate II in Music Industry
CUA20620 – Certificate II in Music Industry
This is a proposed offering for the 2025 academic year. At the time of publication, no agreements have been entered into with a Registered Training Organisation for the delivery of this qualification. On the basis of interest from students in this qualification.
Course Code - CUA20620
General Pathway
Estimated Cost: $150.00
See Additional Cost Item Information Sheet for additional costs.
Course Outline
The focus for this year of the Certificate II in Music Industry Course is Composing and Performance. Students will have the opportunity to further develop skills in the areas of Sound Engineering, Composition, Musicianship, Performance and Stage Management.
Students will finish this course with two professionally studio recorded songs on an album and a professional audio-visual recording of their live performances.
Students will also plan and perform the Year 12 Music Concert.
Skills Outline
• CUAMPF211 Perform simple musical pieces.
• CUAMPF111 Develop skills to play or sing music.
• CUAMCP311 Create simple musical compositions.
• CUAIND211 Develop and apply creative arts industry knowledge.
• CUADES201 Follow a design process.
• BSBWHS211 Contribute to health and safety of self and others.
• BSBTWK201 Work effectively with others.
• BSBPEF202 Plan and apply time management
Minimum Entrance Requirements
The following instruments are taught are Mindarie Senior College; Voice, Guitar, Bass and Drums. The student should have successfully completed General Music in Year 11, or have considerable performance experience prior to entering the course. A minimum of five years’ experience on their instrument is required.
Further Study
Certificate III and higher in Music Industry