Media Production and Analysis ATAR

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Media Production and Analysis ATAR

Course Code - ATMPA
University Pathway

Estimated Cost: $150.00

Based on previous years pricing and subject to change. See Additional Cost Item Information Sheet for additional costs.

Course Outline

Students in this course will have access to a fully functioning, multi-camera television studio. Students use state of the art digital SLR cameras.  Video projects are edited using Adobe Creative Suite.

Unit 3 – Media art
Students will analyse, view, listen to and interact with contemporary and traditional examples of media art, identifying techniques and themes, meanings that are created and audiences’ interpretations. They consider the representation of values and technological developments that influence perceptions of art within media work. Students are encouraged to experiment with technologies, structures, codes and conventions to express their ideas and creativity. They have the opportunity to extend their production skills and processes and the emergence of personal style.

Unit 4 – Power and persuasion
Focus is power and persuasion. Through this, students extend their understanding of persuasive media, examining the way the media is able to reflect, challenge and shape values and attitudes. They critically analyse, view, listen to, and interact with a range of media work, considering the purposes and values of producers and audiences. Students synthesise a range of ideas, skills and processes to create their own media productions that express their views.

Minimum Entrance Requirements

Achievement of a B Grade in English at Yr 11 level.  Past experience in Media Studies is desirable.