2021 Year 12 Presentation Night

October 27, 2021
2021 Year 12 Presentation Night

Tuesday, the 26th of October saw a wonderful night of celebration for our Year 12 cohort with over 1300 family, friends, staff and guests gathering to farewell the Class of 2021 at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre.

This was the final formal event recognising our Year 12 students completion of twelve years of compulsory education. 

Congratulations to all our Year 12 MSC students!   Your final two years of schooling is now complete.

Congratulations to the following students for winning awards on the night:

•    Amie Phobubpa – DUX GENERAL
•    Albert Grau Molina – DUX ATAR

•    Art Acquisition Award – Chloe Crinnion
•    ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award – Zac Bennett
•    ADF Future Innovators Award – Joshua Foster
•    City of Wanneroo Citizenship Award – Lily Plewright
•    City of Wanneroo Citizenship Award – Kieran Pirie
•    Porter Leadership Prize – Albert Grau Molina
•    Keiki Early Learning Childcare Achievement Award – Jasmine Stockwell
•    North Metropolitan Education Region “Commitment to Excellence” Award – Caitlin Gray
•    Ampol Best All Rounder Award – Amie Phobubpa
•    Principal’s Award – Ella Smith

To see the list of all the Course Awards presented on the night, click ‘HERE’.

The College would like to thank the special guests who took time to attend the Presentation Evening:
•    Mr Olman Walley, Welcome to Country
•    Ms Amber Johnston, Guest Speaker
•    Mr Mark Folkard MLA – WA Labor Member for Burns Beach
•    Prof. Steve Chapman – College Board Member and ECU Vice Chancellor
•    Mr Wrolf van Munster – College Board Vice Chair 
•    Mrs Sue Egerton – College Board Member 
•    Mr Mike Gilbert – College Board Member
•    Ms Trianda Hyde – Former MSC Cohort Leader 
•    Mrs Janice Sander – Department of Education Collegiate Principal and Substantive Principal

A special acknowledgement must be given to our Year 12 Leaders, Ms Shyla Wyatt and Mr Luke Foster, for the organisation and running of the night as well as the Student Services team and all the staff who contributed in the lead up to, and on the night, ensuring the night ran smoothly.

Thank you to Bliss Studio for taking professional photos throughout the evening.  Parents and students who have registered will receive an email from Bliss Studios when the photos are ready to be viewed from the Bliss Studio website.  
Details on how to register and order professional photos can be found ‘HERE’.