2024 Year 11 Reward Camp

On Tuesday, the 26th of November, the College held its annual Reward Camp to Margaret River. Year 11 students were nominated to attend by their teachers based on attendance, behaviour and for demonstrating the College Philosophies.
Upon arrival in Margaret River, the students took to Woolworth’s where they purchased their meals, before travelling on to Surfpoint Resort in Prevelly Beach. Excursions included exploring Mammoth Cave, finding their way out of the Margaret River Maze, swimming at Meelup Beach and playing a round of mini-golf. Early rises were able to choose between surfing or walking along Gnarabup beach. The group also visited some local hot spots such as the Margaret River Chocolate Company and Simmo’s Ice Creamery where they sampled local delights.
Students also had lots of fun playing board games after cooking their evening meals, with Staff Guess Who being a favourite. On the final evening the students participated in a Quiz Night with the final round consisting of questions to do with things that had happened on camp. This was an enjoyable way to end the final night. Congratulations to the students for earning their invitation to attend the camp and for making it such an enjoyable experience for everyone.