2024 Semester 1 – Year 11 Achievement Assembly

On Tuesday, 23 July and Thursday, 25 July the Year 11 cohort came together to acknowledge and celebrate our student’s achievements in Semester 1.
The College recognised 34 Year 11 students who were awarded the highest achievers in their course/s for Semester 1. The students were acknowledged and congratulated for their hard work during Semester 1. Course Award winners are students who recieved the highest result for the course.
Well done to the eight students who received more than one course award which is a fantastic achievement.
Nicole Leung from 11.03 and Heather Savery from 11.01 receive special recognition for their remarkable accomplishment of obtaining five course awards each.

In addition to the Course Awards, we would also like to acknowledge students who have been awarded with Certificates of Excellence for Workplace Learning. These students were selected for their outstanding performance in the workplace.
Congratulations to all students who received awards at the Year 11 Achievement Award assemblies this week!
Parents who would like a copy of their child receiving their award should email: julie.ayers@education.wa.edu.au