2022 Sustainability Expo

On Thursday, 11 August the College held the annual ‘Sustainability Expo’ showcasing the Year 11 ATAR Health Studies student work as well as stalls from external organisations.
This was the ninth year the College has held the Expo recognising the importance of sustainability, our personal responsibility to be global citizens and it celebrates our contribution to ensuring a more sustainable future for everyone.
The College would like to thank the following external stall-holders: City of Wanneroo, Perth Reptile Company, Adopt a Beach Perth NRM, Animal Ark, Bunnings, Sea Shepherd, West Oz Wildlife, The Worm Shed, Water Corporation and Conservation Council of Western Australia.
Thank you also to Year 12 students Vienna Hjelte-Lachs who opened the Expo with a Welcome to Country and Tianna Slade who created her own display purely voluntarily with no class time to prepare.
Sustainability is a cross-curricular priority and is embedded into all Courses students study at the College. It was great to see all MSC students and staff engage with the exhibitors to help become aware of how to be more sustainable.