2021 Year 11 Health Expo

On Thursday, 17 June Mindarie Senior College hosted the annual Community Health Expo which was attended by all students and staff.
The expo was opened with a Welcome to Country by Lois May who is a local Aboriginal Elder which who highlighted the cultural significance of the surrounding area.
The atrium was a hive of activity with displays created by the Year 11 General Health Studies on a range of current health concerns such as mental health, drugs, Teen Pregnancy and abusive relationships. Local community agencies also set up their own displays and ran interactive activities to showcase facilities and services available within the community for young adults.
The event was a huge success with College students spending time at the displays and gaining valuable knowledge from the various organisations and displays. All students also attended a presentation by #notevenonce with the focus on early prevention of drug and alcohol abuse.
Year 11 General Health Studies students and staff from Quinns Baptist College also attended the expo to view the displays.
The College would like to acknowledge Mrs Kylie Windle and the Health & Phys-Ed teachers for the organisation of the event, the Year 11 General Health students for their preparation and running of their interactive stalls, and all staff who assisted throughout the day ensuring that the event ran smoothly.
Special thanks to the exhibitors who participated in the event:
- City of Joondalup
- Headspace Early Psychosis Service
- Headspace Joondalup
- Patricia Giles Centre
- Amanda Young Foundation
- Adventist Health
- St John Ambulance
- Zero to Hero
- WA Aids Council
- Act Belong Commit
- Royal Life Saving
- Centre Care
- Helping Minds