2021 Arts Week

In Week 8 of Term 3, the Arts Department held its annual ‘Arts Week’ productions.
The week started on Monday, 6 September with the ( R )Evolution Drama performances featuring both Year 11 and 12 General and ATAR Drama students.
Students wrote and produced all their own performances, and the range of talents and performances were outstanding.
The Dance production ‘Raising the Barre’ was held on Tuesday, 7 September featuring Year 11, 12 and Year 10 Kinross College Dance students. The solo performances from the ATAR Dance students were awe inspiring and watching the group routines dance in unison was amazing.
SBass Station was the title for the Music night on Wednesday, 8 September with both Year 11 and Year 12 students performing. The Year 12 students performed their original songs from their CD that they recorded and produced this year. A copy of the CD can be purchased from the College Reception or Arts Office for $12.00 each.
The finale this year was held on Thursday, 9 September with Visual Arts, Photography and Media Productions work.
The Year 12 ATAR Visual Arts graduate students’ artwork was exhibited in the Atrium for attendees to enjoy while nibbling on canapes. Congratulations to all our exhibitors for a fantastic display of work. This year’s winner of the Art Acquisition Award was Chloe Crinnion and Georgia Greslow’s artwork will be featured on the College Greetings card this year.
The photography student’s work from this year was on display as guests entered the College doors. The Media Production videos were showcased in the Performance Arts Space which showed their creativeness with their own video productions covering a range of genres.
Congratulations to all students who received an award for their work over the four nights and to all the students who were involved in Arts Week, either performing, set design, photographing or recording the events.
A big thank you to all the Art Department staff for all of their effort and time that is required to put together Arts Week – Mr Reese Driscoll, Mrs Leah Allen, Mr Ben Bradshaw, Mrs Bree Chester, Mr James Dixon, Mrs Celeste McIntosh, Mrs Michelle Stenner and Mr Jake Tomlinson.
All events were very well supported by students, staff, parents and friends.
The College would like to acknowledge the invited guests who attended either one or more events over the four nights.
- Mayor Tracey Roberts – Chair of the College Board & City of Wanneroo Mayor
- Prof. Steve Chapman – College Board and ECU Vice Chancellor
- Mr Wrolf van Munster, Vice Chair College Board
- Mrs Sue Egerton – College Board
- Ms Sarah Piper – College Board
- Mr Mike Gilbert – College Board
- Mrs Janice Sander – Department of Education Collegiate Principal
- Mr Bob & Mrs Yvonne Cotton – Cambrai Village
- Mr Geoff & Mrs Charmaine Sherman– Cambrai Village