2021 ANZAC Assembly

On Thursday, 29 May our Year 11 students came together to attend the annual ANZAC day ceremony to remember all those who have served, past and present.
It was a moving service with the focus on Australia and the US: Allies and Friends. 2021 marks the anniversary of several key war-time events that forged the relationship between Australia and the United States.
It was unfortunate that we were unable to host our special guests from the Cambrai Retirement Village and Merriwa RAAFA Estate due to the current COVID-19 restrictions. Their presence was deeply missed, and they were acknowledged by the beat of a solo drum performance at the beginning and end of the service.
One representative from each Mentor placed a remembrance plaque on the Commemoration Field taking time to reflect upon the experiences and sacrifices made by the soldiers.
The College would like to acknowledge all staff and students involved in the organisation of the event and a special mention should be made for Mr James McNeill and Mrs Sarah Moran for their organisation of the event, Mr Jonathan Bromage for his address and insights, Mrs Ritz Lillywhite, Mrs Leah Allen and their Year 11 Student Councillors for their touching speeches, Ms Lizzie Lysons and her music students for their moving musical performances, Mr Jake Tomlinson for organising the audio, Mr Stephen Coombs for playing the snare drums and Year 12 student Crystal Marriott for standing to attention by the flag throughout the entire service.
We look forward to 2022 when we can hopefully come together again to commemorate our ANZAC Ceremony with our special guests and Board members.