2019 Semester 1 Colours Night – Year 11 & 12

On Tuesday the 13th August and 20th August the College held the Year 11 and Year 12 Colours Evenings respectively for Semester 1, 2019.
Over the two evenings, 65 Year 11 and 93 Year 12 students were recognised and awarded Colours Badges and Certificates for their excellent achievement in a range of fields including performance, community work, endeavour and academic results with over 320 family, friends, staff and guests attending to see the students receive their well-deserved awards. Guests were entertained by our Music students and light refreshments were provided by our onsite cafe ‘Fresh As’.
The Year 11 guest speaker was 2009 Alumni, Lexi Costello, who reminded students that life’s path is never lineal and it is ok to try new things and make changes, but to always keep trying.
Harne Hennessey, 2014 Alumni, was the Year 12 guest speaker who spoke about making yourself available for opportunities, doing your very best and not being afraid to ask for help.
The College would like to thank our Board Members who attended the Colours nights and helped present certificates to students when required – Mayor Tracey Roberts, Mr Brian Piper, Mrs Sue Egerton, Mrs Leanne Shepherd as well as Mr Rod Buckenara, Kinross College Principal who attended the Year 12 Colours Night.
Congratulations to all the students who achieved Colours, and in particular to our students from our graduating class of 2019 who achieved Full Colours.
Full Colours is awarded to students who have received a Colours Award each semester in Year 11 and the first semester in Year 12. These students will be recognised again at their Presentation Evening on Monday, 28 October and their names will appear on the College’s Honour Board in the Atrium.
2019 Full Colours Awards Recipients
Elyssa Backshall, Dillan Bailey, Michelle Bester, Tobi Blane, Ashley Brown, Bonnie Cilli, Chloe Ewen, Ashlyn Foster, Ruby Fox, Libby Hancock, Dina Jamal, Bailey Jenkins, Remi Johnstone, Anja Joubert, Tyler Kimber, Fletcher Kneale, Trent Knight, Jack Lang, Annie Lewin, Lindsey Manson-Bishop, Jayda McComish, Casey McCosh, Kaiden McLeod, Ashley Moss, Erin O’Mahony, Jaz Persic, Yas Rock, Elizabeth Rowston, Skye Sam, Elia Shoosmith, Hannah Tolentino, Aimee Vickers, Sky Walker, Viviane Walker, Indiana Wellbourne-Wood, Bailey Wimbridge, Laura Winter, Jocelyn Yao
Parents who would like a copy of the photo taken of their child receiving their award during the night are to email Jane.Toomath1@education.wa.edu.au.