2017 Sustainability Expo

The annual Sustainability Expo was held at the College on Thursday, 10 August. The Hon. Sue Ellery MLA Minister for Education and Training was in attendance and she participated in all the activities offered at each stall. The College Board Chair, Mayor Tracey Roberts also attended along with Board member, Professor Steve Chapman, Vice Chancellor ECU and the local member for Burns Beach, Mark Folkard MLA. A big thank you to Prof Steve Chapman who donated $450 to the College to purchase three Isoscopes. Isoscopes are devices that turn Iphones into magnifying glasses. The College will also purchase three so we have a class set available.
The Expo focused on environmental issues including recycling and up-cycling, microorganisms and eco systems and preserving our endangered native animals. Well done to those students who made a pledge to be more sustainable.
Congratulations to Elise Gaglio and Tracy Smith and their Sustainability Mentor students along with the Year 11 ATAR Health Studies students for raising the awareness of these important issues at the College and in the wider community.